Create an account and start earning.
Earn points everytime you shop.
Redeem points for discounts.
How do I earn points?
Earn points for every dollar you spend with us. Or earn points by following us on Facebook, Instagram or Tiktok. Even receive points for product reviews submitted!
How can I redeem points?
Converting points to discounts is easy. Simply visit our Loyalty Program page, go to the ‘Redeem Rewards’ section and select Redeem against available rewards
Do points expire?
No, points will not expire. However, coupon codes created by redeeming points will expire within 30 days.
Do coupons expire?
Yes, coupons redeemed using loyalty points expire within 30 days. If you redeem a coupon and it expires, we will not add the points back to your account and the points will be lost.
Does my VIP status expire?
If you are promoted to a higher VIP status, you will retain that status for at least 12 months. To retain that status after 12 months, you must meet spend requirements, otherwise you will be demoted to a lower status
I earned points on an order that I exchanged. Will I keep those points?
Points are earned by the amount of dollars you spend. We will adjust the amount of points earned based on the adjusted purchase amount of the exchange.
I used a discount on an order that I ended up returning. What happens next?
Unfortunately, discounts used on returned orders cannot be given back.
I earned points on an order that I returned. Will I keep those points?
Points earned on returned orders, will be revoked.
Will I earn points for orders made before the Dixxon Insider Loyalty Fam program launched?
To give you a kickstart, we will look back at your previous 12 months of orders (from Insider Loyalty Fam program launch) and award you points, equivalent to the total value of these orders.
How do you become a Dixxon ‘Hall of Fame’ Loyalty Member?
Between June 1 - May 31st each year, you have 12 months to spend $5,000 with Dixxon and earn Hall of Fame Status. Once Hall of Fame, Dixxon Customer Service will reach out to you to obtain sizing and shipping information for your exclusive “Hall of Fame” flannel, the most limited flannel we have ever produced. Each flannel is truly one of a kind, with unique features on each flannel. Hall of Fame Flannels will ship out every November (annually).
Can I combine transactions from Dixxon CA, Dixxon UK, or Dixxon AUS for points?
No, transactions from our sister sites (Dixxon CA, Dixxon UK, and Dixxon AUS) cannot be combined or added together for points. Each site operates separately.